There is light at the end of the tunnel for Wixams residents as the long-awaited train station finally gets underway.
For over twenty long years, the railway saga has deeply frustrated both residents and Councillors with the lack of progress on major infrastructure. Excessive delays and the abject failure of the previous Lib Dem administration to deliver anything meaningful left residents exasperated.
The Conservative administration and Officers have been working ceaselessly with Network Rail, supported by the Parish Councils, Residents Associations and Councillors to finally get the long-promised railway station back on track. Recently, they agreed to enter an agreement with Network Rail to construct a two-platform station. If Universal gets the green light, two will become four and possibly six, with a 24hour station.
As a result of the money secured by the Mayor, the continued pressure finally bore fruit today, as Network Rail signed an Order to start the station contract at the Wixams, with spades in the ground in the Autumn.
The much needed and long-overdue delivery of key infrastructure reflects the Mayor’s commitment to investing back into residents and communities across the Borough. The Station, alongside the GP surgery and a proper town centre, will secure Wixams as a thriving place where people want to work, live, and raise a family.
Your local Councillors have called for joined-up thinking with local buses and the need to pre-empt parking issues. They have received assurances that measures will be put in place before the station opens to the public.
Mayor for Bedford Borough, Tom Wootton commented,
“Wixams is one of the most important communities in Bedford Borough, and for too long, the residents have been left waiting for basic but necessary amenities.
Well, I am here to tell them the wait is over, the station will be starting, and progress is being made on Wixams GP. This is what I was elected to do: finally get the Borough back on track and deliver for residents.
As I have always said – even better days are on the horizon for residents of Wixams and Bedford Borough.”
Portfolio Holder for Finance & Corporate Services and Conservative Group Leader, Councillor Graeme Coombes Commented,
“Once again, this Conservative administration and Mayor Tom Wootton have proven to the residents of Wixams and Bedford Borough we are “doers” not “duckers”.
Where our predecessors failed to act with empty promises, leaving residents of Wixams to suffer without key local amenities, we have acted, prioritised our residents, and invested in our communities and people.
The delivery of the train Station and the GP surgery will cement and secure Wixams as a thriving place where people want to live.”
Councillor for Wixams & Wilstead Ward, Marc Frost commented,
“Residents of Wixams and Wilstead wanted a Station, and that is exactly what we are delivering. Work will start in the Autumn.
That is why they elected not one, not two, but three Conservative Councillors, a Conservative Mayor, and a Conservative MP: We are the only ones willing to fight for our residents and capable of delivering results.
I look forward to seeing the station built and operational. I will be working closely with colleagues to ensure the station is delivered to an appropriate spec and that assurances on parking are addressed before the station is open.”