Bedford Borough Council has published its draft 2023/24 statement of accounts, showing a £174k surplus at year end, despite the £2.27 million budget overspend left behind by the former Lib Dem Administration.
Councils across the country are facing an increasingly difficult financial environment, which has resulted in the Conservative Council needing to make bold, but tough, decisions in order to ensure that finances remain robust.
Conservative Mayor, Tom Wootton and his Executive leadership have brought finances back under control while continuing to deliver services to residents and managing spiralling costs.
Conservative Group Leader & Portfolio Holder for Finance & Corporate Services, Cllr Graeme Coombes, commented:
“I would like to thank the Council’s Finance team for their dedication to their roles, throughout a particularly difficult year, and for getting the annual accounts published by the due deadline.
Despite being left with a £2.27m deficit on day one, courtesy of the outgoing Liberal Democrats, the Conservative Council took quick and decisive action, utilising all tools available, to address the Lib Dem deficit and balance the books.
This is a clear message to Bedford Borough residents that today we have left behind the 14 years of low investment, cuts, poor financial stewardship and excuses.
The Conservative administration is here to crack on with the job, putting the Council on sound financial footing, whilst delivering better value for money for the services we deliver to residents.”